Buy new TV now or wait for 3D technology?

I saw an article on Yahoo today that announced Sony unveiled a new 3-Dimensional LCD TV at an electronics convention in Germany. Didn't give a release date or price though.

I'm buying a new TV in the next year and have been looking into the new Samsung LED's. I've read about the complaints of the glow effect around the frame in dark movie scenes though. Does anyone have one? Would you recommend it?

There are some nice plasmas for good prices but those are on their way out. Would you buy a plasma now if the technology is being discontinued?

I've read articles that 3D technology would require a different HDMI standard which would mean you would have to buy a new receiver, TV, Blue-ray player etc. to handle the new cables.

I don't want to buy a TV and have it obsolete the next year. What do you think? Will you be waiting for 3D before you buy your next TV?
Get a Pioneer krp-500m plasma before they are all gone! This was the last plasma that pioneer made and they put their (10thG parts) in this plasma!.. Its even better than the Elite pro-111 !.. Its going to take 10 or so years before the price of OLEDs goes way down....
If you want a new TV now I'd go for it. Some really good suggestions above. Theres no reason to expect that 3D will be out/available/reasonablypriced anytime soon. I remember a coworker about 10 or 12 years ago passed on getting a new car because he read in USA Today how the fuel cell car would be out in a year or so. Actually deferring the car purchase was likely a good idea as it did not kill him but it sure drove him nuts I'll bet. If you can swing it, get it and enjoy it.
The Pioneer Krp 500m plasma is the hot deal out there. You absolutly DON'T need a dark room to use a plasma of this quality. If your worried about obsolescence a plasma has a much longer life cycle than LCD.

With any LCD you get motion blur, it's getting better but it's still there. If there's a downside to plasma its that it uses a bit more power.