Focal Scala Utopia vs Wilson Sasha?


Just wondering if anyone has directly compared the Focal Scala to the Wilson Sasha? I have recently auditioned the Focal Scala a couple of times and whilst at first I was not quite satisfied , upon a second and more thorough listening I must say, I am seduced. Problem is, I have also loved Wilson speakers but, living in Australia- no one is getting the Sashas for another 2-3 months. Any suggestions?? Do I go with the Scalas now, or wait to audition the Wilson Sashas? Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks.
I like the Focal sound but doesn't that kind of droop- looking leaning-over cabinet profile turns me off.
It's an attempt to time-align the drivers. Admittedly, it's not the most beautiful of designs -- useful, though.
Actually when you see it for real, it's quite of compelling. Didn't use to like it a first but the more I see it, the more I like it! And it's made like a Bentley too. :)

So what was your overall verdict on the Sasha's? Sounds like your pick goes to the Scala...
I am definitely going with the Scalas. Even though they are a bit more expensive, they are better in every way. One point that bears mentioning is that the placement of the Sashas had to be several feet into the room and needed hours of tinkering while the Scalas were easing to place. I don't thunk the Wilson dealer could ever quite the right spot fo them after three and a half hours for tweaking but the Scalas locked in within minutes. That attribute can't be overlooked.