Why so many used focals?

I look on the forums to read and learn about owners reactions about focals and compared to many brands there's little action which would make me think it's a small company... til I search on AG for used focal speakers and pages of used speakers come up! Are they the type of speakers that offer a clear upgrade path OR are they short term speakers that wow the listener early and fatigue in the long term?

I couldn't be in the same room with focal's from the 90's, but the recent speakers have been very pleasing to the ear in auditions. Experienced reply's would be appreciated and please no hating on the brand. Tks
I bought those speakers three years ago, not today sir. For any speakers, not only focal speakers, you can make a deal with at least 20% especially in today high end market. Dealers don't like it, of course. A dealer in Virginia will accept any reasonable deal for many branches of speakers. Again, if you plan to buy speakers, think of at least 20% because speakers have greater margin than components.
As a rule I don't buy anything hifi new without a 30% discount so when it comes to new releases like the Kanta 3 it might take awhile for me to own it. There's another aspect, if they have to drive the demo's to my house, shlepp them down the stairs, set them up, and then if I like them here, borrow the demos til my order arrives and then have them come back and collect the demos how much of a discount should I expect? NONE!
If they'll let me pick up and return the demos using my own time and trouble thats another story.
I don’t know of any dealer who will normally give a discount and completely remove it because they brought you some speakers.   Are you 60 miles from the store or something?

You are making some very foolish assumptions.  

Oh, and 30% off a speaker that a store is only making 42~ points on?  ROFLMAO.  
Like I said, sometimes it takes awhile. I demo’d a pair of speakers from tweeter years ago and told the dealer I loved them and when he could find 30% off the list price to call me, they were the VA beethovens and it took about 4 or 5 months but he called and I bought them right over the phone. I don’t have your price sheet in front of me and if I did it probably wouldn’t mean much to me anyhow. I know from a business perspective though a sale is better than no sale and profit margins are (generally)what the market will bear. There’s a guy who’s ears I trust tell me he considered the Kanta 2’s to be a $6000 speaker while he thought the persona 3f would compete at $12k. If I don’t like them they’re worth 0 to me. If the kanta 3 turns out to be ’the’ speaker I end up with they’ll be worth waiting for.
I didn’t realize I was implying anything when I was stating my criteria for buying hifi products.
Someone is sounding a bit like the deal he thought he got from his stereo store wasn’t such a deal after all.