Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???

I’m looking for a new amp & want Class D.

I’ve seen various brands mentioned, such as PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrel to name a few, but I’ve not heard any of them.

Which company is producing the best sounding Class D?
Which models should I be looking to demo?


Ok, we’ve come a long way now but I believe my recommendation for the XTZ Edge amp is not a very bad one. Nice start with class D for rather small money. Handy thing to bring to your friends.
I just listened to amps from Merrill-116 monoblocks.
They sounded pretty good, but are unfortunately very expensive.
"They sound pretty good" At their asking price they should sound fantastic!

Hello Eric, you might have been referring to the first class D generation ROwland M201 or M501 monos.... M 501 sounded to me powerful but uninspiring no matter break-in and/or warmup.... M201 tended to run out of steam.... I heard them at length at a dealer, and then again at RMAF, where I also heard the M312.... AT RMAF the three amps were powering a pair of VIenna Acoustics Mahler.... M201 and M501 sounded like interesting experiments, but they were rather uninvolving.... Then They connected the M312 stereo, and.... I fell in love! Soon M312 replaced my beloved golden toned Rowland 7M class A/B high bias monoblocks. 

The logical successor of M501 was the M525, which I have not heard.... Third party reports were that while it did deliver a more emotional presentation than M501, it still sounded a little "non-denominational"... M525 was recently replaced by the bridgeable M535, which I have in my system. As already mentioned a few times on this thread, it delivers the emotional goods in spades... is an extraordinary amp under all audible parameters that I can think of. 


Give it up Eric, be happy with yours, that you say you can’t hear any problems with it. Stop trying to convince yourself by trying to convert others that can hear problems with it at the moment.  