Speaker suggestions


I know this is a difficult question to answer, but any opinions are welcome.

Here is my situation. I listen mostly to pop and classical, including many symphonies. About 15x25 feet (5x8m) untreated room. 20wpc Decware amp currently driving 15 y/o LSI 15 polks. Polks are doing fine, nothing wrong with them. I am the 2nd owner.

I am considering an upgrade to my speakers. Would like to have full (or near full) range speakers, no sub, strongly prefer something made (assembled, not just designed) in the US, with 2-3k budget.

One option is to refurb/upgrade the Polks. About 1k gets me new premium crossover, new damping material, full inspection, and cleaning with some cosmetic finish work at a local well regarded audio shop.

The other option is buying something new. I plan to keep the system for at least 15-20 years, so need something well built, with solid fit/finish, and good internal electronics so I do not need to recap for at least 15 years.

Prefer new but will consider lightly used option if find something specific I like.

Have been looking lately at Tecton DI and Impact towers. Some posts mentioned that they do not measure very well, but I did not see any charts on the forums or on their site. Mostly great user reviews,
Other options are Ascend Acoustics Sierra towers, Klipsch Reference, SVS ultra towers. I think those are all US made. Spatial audio has great reviews, but not sure how well they handle complex classical music. 

Can you please provide comments/suggestions? Any other options worth considering. I am not much of DIY person.

Thanks much.
I've been using some Living Voice Speakers from the UK for a couple years now 94db easy load designed for low powered tubes your 20wpc would be ideal for them. they only go to 35hz though but they are wonderful everywhere else. very musical, detailed and inviting speaker. you can find them used for your price range. 

Omega speakers are interesting but may not have the bass your looking for if you want a full ranger. maybe close enough check them out, you'd want one of their High Out put versions, I demoed a set of the stand mounters and was very impressed for $2k. 

May fined Coincident speakers used.

Rathm Speakers very interesting hybrid point source with integrated sub speaker line I've been eyeing them my self. there was a used set on here not too long ago in your price range. 

others here are low power high efficient fans so hoping some of them will also chime in. happy hunting. 

As always, +1 for Vandy's, which is why I asked if you had dealers nearby.
Make 8 each,  2' x 4' absorbing panels before you spend a nickel on
a speaker.  Owens Corning #703 panels come in 2'x4' size. See your local insulation distributor. Yes they will take your money. $130ish for a package of 12 each. On the way home stop at Home despot and buy some 1"x 3" wood-any species will do. Oh, ask them to please cut them so you end up with 24 pieces at 48" in length and another 24 pieces at 25 1/2" in length. Go to their scrap pile (70% off) and get 24 pieces of 1 x 3 or 1 x 4, in the 24"length area for cross braces. See if the guy will cut both scrap piece ends with 45 degree angle cuts. Use 2 braces per box.Try to go at slower time or they may refuse all the cuts. Buy 150 ea. 2" wood screws and builders glue too. $100.  Last stop is
Joann's Fabrics for some burlap type fabric to wrap your panels in. Home Depot may sell burlap too. $10.
Material total cost- about $240 or $20 each panel. Assembly Required. When done Install 8 panels and  sell the 4 extra panels for $50 each and recoup some of your cost.
Good Luck Mr. Not very DIY. Perhaps you know someone handy?
Once you hear the new sound those Polks will seem a lot better.

One vote for Klipsch Forte III's. Had a pair, had to downsize a bit to Heresy III's but miss the Forte's dearly. Easy to drive, dynamic yet refined sounding. These are NOT your grandpa's Forte's....