Can we hear from those who essentially repurchased previous system?

Are you someone who had Speaker A or Amp X, sold it on the proverbial merry-go-round yet repurchased that same piece of gear--only to build a system around it?

If ’Yes" then...

What was the piece (type/make/model)?
Did the product that brought you back do something a less expensive/more expensive product did not do or that it did wrong?


I myself have not done this, but more than a few have tired of the limitations of the original Quad ESL loudspeaker, bought another design free of that limitation, then another, ending up coming back to the Quad. Within its' limitations, it remains unsurpassed by any, equaled by few.

The one product I have deserted and then returned to is the Decca (now London) cartridge. The Decca, much like the Quad, was great in most ways, seriously bad in others. The good news is that Decca employee/engineer John Wright bought the rights to the design, updated and improved it, and reintroduced it in its' London form, free of most of the Decca's problems.

For years I had a system built around a Technics SL-1700 direct drive turntable. Never sold it, but moving around after college it spent many years in a box. It was during those years that CD’s were introduced. By the time I had money for new gear everyone "knew" CD’s were the way to go. The Technics stayed in the box while I unboxed a succession of upgrades, including a few CD players.

One book I read around this time was Robert Harley’s excellent A Complete Guide to High End Audio. Still to this day an outstanding reference covering everything from components to tweaks to room acoustics. Harley devoted a whole chapter to analog. Odd, for something everyone "knew" was done. But then it occurred to me I had been taking other peoples word for this for years. I never really bothered to check for myself, and the Technics was still just sitting there in the box. So....

Few hours later, revelation. Epiphany. Wife comes home, same thing. Dustbin of history wipes the floor with digital. Of course, get real, mixed metaphor. Its not like its the centerpiece of my system to this day. But there was something about it, and going back to that old turntable was more than any other single thing what got me back on track to building a really engaging and satisfying music system again.
I think the original Quad ESL is the classic 'recidivist' piece of gear. People love 'em but hate their limitations, often selling them to get a "better" speaker only to regret getting rid of them, to buy them again. I've hung on to mine since 1973 and still use 'em (not my main speaker any more, and recently restored). There is nothing quite like them. ("Despite their limitations," which is a unity phrase; you always find that qualification in any modern discussion of the speaker). 
I used to have that same Technics turntable,mated with a little Pioneer receiver and off-brand speakers(paralex).I recently bought the receiver again and am planning on finding the turntable but probably different vintage speakers to put in a guest bedroom.Not high rez by any means but it was a sweet little system.