I mention the active ls50 option mainly because the ls50 sound seems to vary a lot depending on amp and I read KEF nails that for you with the active version for only ~ 1K more.
I have the passives and have heard them sound meh on some amps and wow on others. Currently using them with Bel Canto ref1000m Class D, a pricier option that seems to work very well.
Then there is the smaller lsx which I have not heard but also read only good things about.
Then there is the new passive R3 that I have heard that seems easier to drive and I would go with personally if no sub involved and not a smaller room.
I have the passives and have heard them sound meh on some amps and wow on others. Currently using them with Bel Canto ref1000m Class D, a pricier option that seems to work very well.
Then there is the smaller lsx which I have not heard but also read only good things about.
Then there is the new passive R3 that I have heard that seems easier to drive and I would go with personally if no sub involved and not a smaller room.