Nuforce STA200

I am curious about the Nuforce STA200 amplifier  If anyone has experience with the amp it would be appreciated if you would share your listening impressions, both good and bad.  Some of the descriptions I have read classify it as a class AB amp and others a class D amp.  I am not technical savvy about these things, can a single amplifier be both? 
I did not have the too high a gain preamp/amp mismatch with my tube preamp.  While we have certainly discussed this problem here and read about it, I am curious if anyone has actually experienced the gain issue and if so:

1. Did the problem create an auditory hiss? or if no hiss,
2.  Was the problem not being able to turn the volume control up high enough to adequately use the preamp's sweet spot?

Thanks in advance
Jl35, yes I agree with both your points, re power output and preamp use. My thing is that I buy an amp for the long haul, and using one in a way that it is not designed for (underpowered for the load presented) is not conducive toward that end.

Jetter, I have not yet used the STA200 with my all tube Jolida preamp, as that was not the intent when I bought it. The Jolida has a gain of 20dB. I expect that I would find that I am using it's volume control at very low settings with this amp. Not sure about the hiss issue. I will give this a try and get back on that.
Again, I want to make it clear that I am not faulting this amp for it's quality. I like this amp!  
Hi mesch, not to worry, you don’t come off as faulting the amp at all. The way I look at it, whatever faults it has, it doesn't owe me anything. 
With either of my STA 200s connected to my Lascalas, at 104 db efficiency ( no input connected to amps ), they are dead quiet, as I hear no hiss or hum ( of course, the amps are on ). I did have issues with hum through a few preamps I owned ( own ), and now own a top model Luminous Axiom Walker unit, without problems. Unless the amp is defective in some way, I believe it is simply amplifying any  noise preceding it. Enjoy ! MrD. At this time I am using the amp pair to vertically biamp ( passively ) Signet SL 280ex speakers I have set up in another room, and the system is excellent, without any hiss or hum, using a DoukAudio passive preamp, hifi version, which I have found to be cleaner than the Schiit sys ( $40. or so from the Bay ). Currently rotating amps for the purpose of selling many of them. Enjoy ! MrD.