Linear tracking turntables, whatever happened?

Curious as to the demise and downfall of the seemingly short lived linear tracking TT.
Just from a geometry point of view I would have thought a linear arm should be superior to one with a fixed pivot that sweeps through an arc.
Obviously there is much more to it than that, sort of the reason for this thread.
I am genuinely interested in trying one out for myself as well.
Since restoring the Beogram 4002's I use, I've never had to fiddle with them. They just work....
Here in Seattle our marquee high end dealer is Definitive Audio. Their founding location on Roosevelt has the flagship clearaudio turntable, linear tracking arm, and cartridge, feeding a host of similarly ultra-high end components terminating in a pair of Wilsons, sorry I forget the model. I just can't get my brain worked up that hard for stuff that doesn't sound good. And this was the worst most expensive (well over $600k and no that is not a misprint, well over a half a Doctor Evil voice MILLION dollars) pile of audio assault I've ever heard. 

Sorry, but I was only able to remember the other gear long enough to do a web search and come up with the $600k. Because I knew it had to be a phenomenal waste of money. But just how pornographically obscene I could hardly believe even after adding it all up. 

But wait! Sorry! Almost forgot! That doesn't include speaker cables, interconnects, power cords, or power line conditioner! Actually it was probably a cool MILLION dollars worth of audiophool bling.

Linear tracking is one of those things people can think of, that seems like it should be better, just look at all the fancy engineering. Only its not. For proof look no further than the nearby current thread where everyone so far is chiming in saying the same thing, tracking distortion from cartridge alignment just don't matter. Which just happens to be the be-all reason for linear tracking arms. 

A fool and his money.... will find their way to Definitive.... and linear tracking tone arms.

They may not have died and disappeared. But they should have.

Many propositions which do not prove the conclusion. The only relevant proposition is the existence of another thread, which proves little, and certainly not your conclusion. It's called a non-sequitur, Mr. Miller.
Oh dear ... your TT/TA combo must be absolutely fantastic, Terry.

Air bearing platter and TA - Ö -

Reminds me of the Dr. Forsell´s Air Reference way back in 1990 and sounded just great ... oh those were the days ...
I use maglev bearing on the spindle inspired by Vic´s Salvation deck. For a ridiculous price : )

Extended manifold by epoxied (!) extension. Just like that. Brilliant.
Well, frankly I have´t even thought that supported manifold makes a significant improvement to the sound itself as the floating saddle evens height derivations on micro level scale + that most records are really concave discs ? And I have always just found it funny to watch cartridge swaying up and down and side to side on warped and eccentric discs : ~ ). As the cantilever/stylus remains straight & steady and the sound is still incredible compared to what I have had earlier. Terminator can handle very severe warps and folds with ease.

Are you saying that supported manifold is a serious improvement ?
As for damping the arm base, you are probably right, it doesn´t need damping material due to air cushion really.

You use Moongel as damping ? Well that´s great, I may buy some : )

Thanks, it´s been a sheer pleasure talking to you.

Pleasure is mine, Harold. Nice to share. And that Salvation's no slouch either.

I am certain that the improvement is a serious one, in my system. But indirectly.

The mod allows me to set the manifold with high precision and stability. Then I can set azimuth correctly, and THAT makes a big difference.