from B&w 805's to Usher be-718 - what to expect?

i'm thinking about "side-grading" to the be-718 because I'm interested in a different sound

what can i expect if i make the switch from 805s to be-718?

my components consist of a peachtree nova and mcintosh 7100, 100wpc

other suggestions are appreciated too
BE-718 is a definite upgrade from B&W 805. B&W tweeter can sound hard and cold, missing the harmonic richness and details of finer tweeters. I have owned 802N and BE-718 both and 802N only lasted a couple months for me despite its cool look, I will take BE-718 any day for its ability to reproduce inner harmonic better than most speakers out there at 2X the price.
Owned a set of 805s for a few years and are now listening to the Be-718 (close to two years). No comparison, a much grander speakers the Be-718 in every way. They go both higher and lower with more impact and lively midrange. The B&W sounded lean in my opinion and couldn't really "bloom" or reveal music from the inside out. Clinical and analytical in comparison--like the wiz kid who knew hard facts and science but couldn't boogie and emotion-less.


Yeah, I have to agree with emerging consensus about the Be-718's - they are really good.

If you want something completely different from the 805's, take a look at the Harbeth Compact 7ES-3. Music, music, music.
(Semi):"BE-718 is a definite upgrade from B&W 805. B&W tweeter can sound hard and cold, missing the harmonic richness and details of finer tweeters. I have owned 802N and BE-718 both and 802N..."

Tweeter on the 802"N" (or N805) is not the same as on the 805"S". The latter is much smoother and far from "hard and cold".

When you guys mention the 805's in your comparisons, please specify if they are the N805 or the 805S. The 805S are just superior in every way.