I can't say it's as good as a wired connection, but I've been perfectly happy using wireless access points and repeaters for streaming all over my house. The WAPs are in my living room and my home office, the repeater is in my bedroom, which is on the far side of the house from my router. In my living room, my AVP, TV, Roku, and BlueSound Node 2 are all connected to the WAP with a 4 port ethernet switch. The BlueSound is running through my Auralic Vega and sounds fantastic to my ears.
I only have one wired device in my home (my PC). These are what I use, but I'm sure there are better ones available now.
https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833704052I bought an inexpensive router that can use DD-WRT and made that into the repeater bridge that's in my bedroom.