Saw new pics and left a post. I'm glad you are getting closer to what you want.
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels
Bought a used Anthem MRX510, with the ARC2, to use for my desk top system. Hope it will be a step up from the Paradigm PW AMP I used so far and been very satisfied with. The PW AMP has no digital in so I presume it makes an AD/DA conversion for the ARC2. Want to get rid of that. Eventually also a better amp even if I don't need five channels. Or, maybe I do.... |
@tomic601 I will take a look at the Home Depot panels. I can walk to Home Depot so it will be easy to check out. I am currently listening to Led Zeppelin’s debut and I was thinking why does this sound so good now. I know the acoustic panels made a huge difference but the sound seemed even better than expected. It tuned out I now have hi-res versions of Zeppelin. I do not recall when I got that but I can definitely hear the hi-res difference with this setup. I am also upsampling on ROON. I may end up using this disc as my baseline for my speaker demos. I am curious how this album sounds on a speaker with more bass and resolution. The sound stage is not that deep with my Peachtree and LS50’s but I having a feeling that is available in the 1’s and 0’s. | I think what I am hearing now with the LS50's is what the above article is showing with measurements. |