When deciding on a integrated amp for purchase, the most critical thing to look for are the noise level's. If the amp and preamp in the integrated have S/N levels below 100 db's than you will wind up with a noisy product. The Gryphon Diablo amp S/N ratio is a terrible 88 db's. The Krell S-300i also has poor number's. Preamp S/N is 93 db's and the amp S/N is 94 db's. Vitus refuses to put their S/N
numbers on their website for the new RI-100 integrated. The best value integrated amp which is dead quiet and has a very rich musical quality is the Simaudio Moon 700i. The Preamp S/N is 120 db's. Thats damn impressive and hard to find an integrated anywhere with that high number. The amp section has a S/N of 105 db's. These are the kind of numbers you find in separate components.
numbers on their website for the new RI-100 integrated. The best value integrated amp which is dead quiet and has a very rich musical quality is the Simaudio Moon 700i. The Preamp S/N is 120 db's. Thats damn impressive and hard to find an integrated anywhere with that high number. The amp section has a S/N of 105 db's. These are the kind of numbers you find in separate components.