Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
"The VAC integrated allowed me to get rid of three HRS isolation bases, three expensive power cords, and two pairs of reference interconnects - an investment about equal to the separate components.”

Ain’t it wonderful?
When deciding on a integrated amp for purchase, the most critical thing to look for are the noise level's. If the amp and preamp in the integrated have S/N levels below 100 db's than you will wind up with a noisy product

So in your opinion the VAC Sigma 160i which has a glowing review above - but has a dismal 69 dB S/N ratio must be a flawed product?
Audiozen and Kiwi, with all due respect......I believe the 69 S/N ratio being mentioned in an above post is an approximate for the PHONO STAGE S/N ratio, not the amp/pre-amp S/N Ratio.

My experience with VAC gear leads me to believe that the 69 is estimated on the low would probably measure much better AND, 69 is quite good for a phono stage.

I've seen excellent stand alone phone stages that did not exceed the 69 that VAC conservatively approximates. For instance, Leben's new phono stage AT ITS BEST, measures in the mid 60's and that was after Atkinson of Stereophile had to perform some work to get it above the mid to high 40's.

VAC doesn't publish all of the numbers necessary for those who love keeping score at home, they just build great gear. To my knowledge, they have not published the S/N ratio of the amp/preamp sections.

Mine is dead quiet by the way and continues to get better and better....regards all.
Ghasley..the S/N number's I posted are on SS Integrated's only without phono stages. As always, the best way to test the noise from your component's is turn the volume/gain knob up
to max with no music signal and put your ear up against the tweeter. The best designs are as quiet as a tomb. Integrated's often have lower numbers since the amp/preamp are on one platform. Simaudio uses their patented Lynx or Renaissance circuit design which produces a much lower noise floor. For Sim to create an integrated with a S/N of 120 db's from the Pre section is a rare achievment. You will always hear some noise on very quiet low level music passages from a product with low numbers. It is subtle, but there.