New Zu Mission cable

For some reason, the other thread on this subject was deleted. I wanted to hear from those who bought the new Mission cable during Zu's recent promotional period. I also would like to open up this thread to impressions of this cable once in your system.
To Noxs4u - when buying a product in this hobby one factors in a certain resale value. This expectation is built in into the price paid. If the seller turns around and floods the market with product at 25% the price one paid - well - ones resale value drops to 50% of 25% (when the buyer expected to get 50% of 100%).
Ok, 5 years later and here we are still seeing missions, libtecs, events and wyldes. Looks like Zu settled in a bit and even left the website alone for a while i think.
I am thrilled with the company because i as a low income earner have had the opportunity to try a few of their lines without breaking the bank. Have loved everything about all the cables except the bok which won't fit anything i try it in.
I have used their Mission MK1 and Event MK1 power cables. I have absolutely nothing negative to say about either. Before switching to Cabledyne on my amps, I had the Event on everything in my system. I would recommend them to anyone.