Silver plated copper

Please explain to me the theoretical basis of using silver plated copper in cables. Seems counter intuitive to me. Signal would have two paths with different conductivity which would cause distortion.
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Resistance does not affect the speed of propagation. No distortion is introduced.

Skin effect is frequency dependent and negligible at audio frequencies.
All hook up wire is going to distort the signal in some way inevitably.All we can do is find wire that presents distortion we find pleasing to our ears.I don't care for silver plated copper either but other folks love it.I remember seeing a chart somewhere that listed the speed that various metals passed a signal.Silver was fastest,copper a very close second.I don't remember how gold and the other metals fared.
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Now you've got me curious Elizabeth.Silver and copper both oxidize quickly so I wanted to understand how the silver could actually protect the copper....Anyway I found some info about it in case anyone is interested