Most favored hearing aid for audiophiles

Is there a brand or a model of a brand that is most favored by hearing impaired audiophiles?

I have classic noise notch hearing loss and use middle of the road Oticon Rita2. I keep them in while using the music as wallpaper and when I sit down for a session I take them out. It’s incredible how much improvement I get when I just cup my hands behind my ears. I have often thought about this solution.

Do you recall the leather looking ear cups sold back maybe in the 80’s? I don’t recall the name, and it was basically the same idea for listening to music. Thing is, I doubt that they did more than your hands cupped, i.e. slightly concentrate most frequencies, not specific to your hearing.

  Additionally, I agree with the idea of flagging those with hearing loss on this site. I also think that the mentally unstable be flagged as well. Ignorance shall also be banned/flagged/flogged. Hey, what do you know, my first flame...

I just had a hearing test, and they phoned back to tell me that I had some loss. When they get back to me officially on paper, I'll let you know what the recommend.

 Oh I totally agree with your thinking... Actually to the point that Every Agon user should be required to get a hearing evaluation before their first post. After all, many have hearing and don't realize it. Then there are the mentally ill. They too, should be flagged, so we know the source of the comments being made about audio equipment. Not stopping there, the people with giant egos, or bunches of tightly wrapped BS/marketing talk, will no longer be allowed here. Not being mean, but someone just had to say it.