Bdp24 - My knowledge of physics is rather limited, so let me ask those of you who finished high school (;-) if the following is correct:
I never learned Physics in school. It was learned through real life experiences...especially near death ones. 8^0
Picture this - approaching a corner at speed, just after a rain, in a 1996 rear engine 993.
I am not sure what you're asking Eric; but I can tell you the Eminent Tech Tonearm has a horizontal inscribed line on the center of the manifold housing. When doing setup the User is supposed to set the record level with this line. Another area where setup error occurs.
If you follow the center of the air bearing out to the counterweights one can see that all is in the same line. The I Beam is level with this inscribed line.
Now the interesting part. If one loosens the end cap that holds the I Beam and Weights. and tilts it downward a bit - one can tune the bass and give it more heft. You will also be changing the VTF when you do this. Like wise in reverse - tilt it up - and the signal becomes leaner.
One can set the sound to ones room depending on the gear. If the room is bass heavy tilt it up a bit and vice versa if the sound is lean.
are you able to loosen a bolt on the Kuzma Airline to tilt the counterweight rod up or down ?