Thanks for the reply, Andy. I’m pretty sure the C in CSA is for copper. Maybe your earlier experience was with Clarity SA? Tom Thiel suggested Mundorfs as a possibility for the coax feeds early last year and I considered those. From my reading, there is wide performance among Mundorfs, probably owning to their varied sources. Somewhat independently, each of us circled back to Clarity (in no small part after reading through a long capacitor thread on a’gon). The CMR range captured my imagination but Tom convinced me that CSA with a good bypass would have similar performance for less money (Thiel Audio’s MO). The Jantzens seem to be excellent and that is what @holco is using to great effect.
It’s been a couple of years since I’ve heard a top-$helf system but my upgrade captures what I recall of its SQ. Of course, the CS2.4 comes up short in low bass and a XO upgrade can’t help that but my upgrade has resolution, immediacy and transparency on par with the best I’ve heard. Musical immersion. The only criticism I can muster is that image density doesn’t match the best I’ve heard. Not sure whether it’s something with my set-up or room or the speakers. But I otherwise now have my own top-shelf system.
It’s been a couple of years since I’ve heard a top-$helf system but my upgrade captures what I recall of its SQ. Of course, the CS2.4 comes up short in low bass and a XO upgrade can’t help that but my upgrade has resolution, immediacy and transparency on par with the best I’ve heard. Musical immersion. The only criticism I can muster is that image density doesn’t match the best I’ve heard. Not sure whether it’s something with my set-up or room or the speakers. But I otherwise now have my own top-shelf system.