Unforgiving DAC or add Tube Preamp??

I have added a (Benchmark HGC 2 DAC) to run digital music to my Modwright KWA 150 SE.  At first I was impressed with the detail but much of my music sounds more harsh than what my ears are used to.  Apparently Benchmark DACS  are known to be unforgiving.  Should I look towards a different DAC or would adding a Tube Preamp be the best solution? Or change both? Recommendations welcomed!

Speakers : Dali Euphonia MS4
(#2) Rel 528 in stereo
Just discovered Colter Wall "Songs of the plains". Absolute reference acoustical recording. Deep double bass. 3D. 2018. Wouldn’t sound harsh on anything. They didn’t do recordings like this in the past.... Perfect for the Benchmark :-)
The Border Patrol DAC is the answer for listeners put off by digital harshness. To my ears it comes closer to analog than any others I have heard. You may have the ongoing debate in recent issues of Stereophile magazine. Opinions about Border Patrol VS. Benchmark are sharply divided, but those who don’t care for the Benchmark sound quality love the Border Patrol. It is limited to 24/96 if that is a concern for you. I use mine for playback of my ripped CD collection.
Have you heard the LAB12 DAC1 SE? That’s the most analog sounding DAC I’ve heard? But I have never had the chance to listen to Border Patrol DAC. Would have been interesting.
I ended up buying a Modwright LS 100 tube preamplifier.  This willl allow me to try out a  variety of stand alone DACs as currently I am dependent on the Benchmark as my preamplifier (no preamp) which limited my dac options.  
I should have it hooked up by end of weekend.  Hopefully the preamplifier tubes will have some sort of desirable effect. Maybe the clarity of the Benchmark Dac and Tubes of the Modwright pre will be a winning combination.  

I have been following your thread and thought I had responded some time back. Must not have push the post button. My thoughts much agreed with what you have decided. I also use a tube preamp with a Bryston DAC which some think leans to the analytical side, maybe not to the extent of the Benchmark, of this I am not sure. As you stated you can always search for a less analytical DAC if you choose. The tube pre most certainly take your system in the right direction IMHO.

Please get back to us after playing the pre.