Shorter speaker runs or shorter IC Runs...Which is the better set up and why?

Hello all!

So I am setting up 2 Bryston 28b Mono Amps and I would like opinions on which is a better way to do it? Should I place the amps close to the speakers with longer XLRs/shorter speaker wire OR longer speaker wire with a shorter XLRs and why? I think I know what conventional wisdom says but I am looking for the best option.

Thanks in advance!

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The consensus, through empirical testing across decades... seems to always be: longer interconnect, shorter speaker cable.
If the components adhere to the balanced design, then using long XLR's have no effect upon sound quality.
Keeping the speaker cables short, say under 6-8 feet, would be the best way to keep costs down, and minimize effects from the cable itself.
I don't have a real preference as to the length of either, but more towards the connection being made at each end. Interestingly, Maple Shade strongly recommends the opposite, i.e. long speaker cable (no less than 8'), and short interconnects. I would think that both should be as short as possible, but not too short! Heh, heh, you ought to see me try and make something reach when there is a safer choice at hand. 
 When I think about it though, the interconnects are trying to send a 1-2 volt signal on to the next in line, whereas the speaker cables don't have that same issue coming right out of a power amp.