who has experience with Joseph Audio?

just picked up some RM7si's and i'm really liking the sound... especially for the price, very warm yet detailed and resolving

what do you guys think about Joseph Audio?
Just to clarify two posts above: only the second paragraph is from Stereophile, the rest is mine.
I was pleasantly surprised at how good they sounded at shows, and they were much friendlier in person than here on Audiogon. Still, not on my short list, but certainly in the next tier.
I have always enjoyed listening to them at the Stereophile NYC Shows. I especially enjoyed the 33LE's at the 2007 HE Show. I have never owned a pair, but they are on my future short list. Jeff Joseph is also one of the truly nice guys I have come across at audio shows and it is great to see a good guy succeed.
what electronics is everyone using with their joseph audio speakers? any thoughts on tube vs ss? any brands to recommend?