I owned an older version of those amps the L560 Japanese version. for about a year and I can tell you what I liked about it. The L560 was a 50wpch pure class A amp made in 1985. I ran it on my Living Voice speakers.
The L560 was a surprise to be honest I didn’t think it was going to be as good as it was being a little older. It was a very powerful sounding 50wpc with excellent extension top and bottom with very good base control (to 35hz of my speakers anyway). I say yes a little warmer sounding but not tube like warm just maybe musical warm sounding. quite detailed through out especially in the top end (which surprised me). It also had excellent decay in notes and quite good instrument separation. It liked to rock too. one of the things that surprised me was how fun it was to listen just very involving. I came from Tubes to that and didn’t miss much of the tube sound with the Class A amp.
Ultimately the very top extension was a little less then newer amps that’s about all I missed with it. I also really liked the tone control system on it. It was actually really nice to have for lower listening levels or movies. Had a rather nice phono stage too just lacked some settings for MC only 100ohm but two gain settings, so I didn't use it much.
Yeah it ran hot class A and all. Back then Luxman used heat pipes for cooling instead of all the aluminum fins. wonder why they don't anymore? It was wrapped in wood. I miss the wood cases so beautiful to look at and touch.
I still regret selling it too be honest but needed the money for my current amp 8wpch 300b SET.
I would like to say something here about people saying class A wont last that amp was build in 1985 and was running perfectly only thing I needed to do to it was get the bias checked-adjusted and a cold solder joint re-soldered not bad for 33 years.
this is the amp
The L560 was a surprise to be honest I didn’t think it was going to be as good as it was being a little older. It was a very powerful sounding 50wpc with excellent extension top and bottom with very good base control (to 35hz of my speakers anyway). I say yes a little warmer sounding but not tube like warm just maybe musical warm sounding. quite detailed through out especially in the top end (which surprised me). It also had excellent decay in notes and quite good instrument separation. It liked to rock too. one of the things that surprised me was how fun it was to listen just very involving. I came from Tubes to that and didn’t miss much of the tube sound with the Class A amp.
Ultimately the very top extension was a little less then newer amps that’s about all I missed with it. I also really liked the tone control system on it. It was actually really nice to have for lower listening levels or movies. Had a rather nice phono stage too just lacked some settings for MC only 100ohm but two gain settings, so I didn't use it much.
Yeah it ran hot class A and all. Back then Luxman used heat pipes for cooling instead of all the aluminum fins. wonder why they don't anymore? It was wrapped in wood. I miss the wood cases so beautiful to look at and touch.
I still regret selling it too be honest but needed the money for my current amp 8wpch 300b SET.
I would like to say something here about people saying class A wont last that amp was build in 1985 and was running perfectly only thing I needed to do to it was get the bias checked-adjusted and a cold solder joint re-soldered not bad for 33 years.
this is the amp