Why not horns?

I've owned a lot of speakers over the years but I have never experienced anything like the midrange reproduction from my horns. With a frequency response of 300 Hz. up to 14 Khz. from a single distortionless driver, it seems like a no-brainer that everyone would want this performance. Why don't you use horns?

I could not have put it better myself. I spent many years with magnepans, apogees etc. So I hope you understand that I could never have a colored speaker. Especially with the "honk" people keep mentioning.

I now have 110db horns and could not be happier. In fact in some ways the electrostat has some things in common sonically with a good horn. Where it gets left behind is the dynamic freedom, weight and ease a horn has.

When I hear other highend speakers these days they tend to sound distant,unresolved and flat compared to my horns. Not to say all horns are great of course.

Some audiogoners should try to invest some time in listening to a good horn set up. Half the reason this hobby can get confusing is because so many have great opinions without doing any real listening or having experience to go with the strong opinion... There is a lot out there to hear but not much worth keeping.
Many people today are unable to differentiate between what they actually know and what they have chosen to believe. Experience draws a bright line between these two opposites.
Horns are music and instrument selective. No speakers can reproduce the sound of a sax better than a horn. All speakers are music selective to some degree.
"Horns have unexploited potential. Lets get busy harvesting their potential. Most other options seem to have reached their limits long ago"

Well said and I agree 100%. I will add that the progression of horn technology is the single best hope for getting closer to the dynamics of the live music experience. Lot's of problems getting it right as outlined above including the small market. This technology is not getting R&D funds of the larger speaker manufacturers and is progressing on the backs of a few dedicated small companies and the DIY enthusiasts.

Herman, The tweeters a horn Fostex t500amk2 , mids horn, midbass horn and the bass system is a 8ft tall back loaded bass horn. If you want full front loading of bass into infra sound as this horn does it would be 25ft l by 25 w.