Most impressive youtube demo clips

What are some of the most impressive clips of systems you've heard? This one blew me away with how tonally rich and real the guitar sounds. Sounds like you're in the room with a nice tube guitar amp.

Spatial M3 Turbo S +  SPEC RSA-717EX + Denafrips Terminator DAC
Of course you can use YouTube to get an idea of how well a system sounds. If you can't or think you can't, then there is something wrong with how your brain processes data and phenomena. Even if you are not hearing the actual system, which you obviously are not, the brain is capable of interpolating the data to make a best guess at comparative interpretation of how you perceive the video.
Of course you can use YouTube to get an idea of how well a system sounds. If you can’t or think you can’t, then there is something wrong with how your brain processes data and phenomena.
That’s silly. YouTube is very lo-res, very lossy audio. That’s not attributable to my brain at all.
... the brain is capable of interpolating the data to make a best guess at comparative interpretation ...
Were that true, there would be no need for high end audio systems in the first place.
I love the Kenrick Sound videos. I would love to have the Kenrick JBL 4355 speakers or any of his other huge to small speakers.  Only exposure is from his videos.
... If you can't or think you can't, then there is something wrong with how your brain processes data and phenomena ...
Your claim is that those who disagree with you are mentally defective? <sigh>