Questions from a Tube Preamp newbie

I have my Rogue RP-5 back from warranty repair and I am loving how it sounds. While at Rogue, they installed 4new JJ 12au7-s tubes. Sounds great. I have some questions.

1. with about 2 hours daily playing, how long do typical preamp tubes last (I have heard Rogue's, like CJ, can be hard on tubes)

2. Do new tubes need broken in? if so, what is normal time frame?

3. Does tube rolling really make a difference on a preamp vs power amp?

4. What is the general concensus on JJ tubes for a preamp? Again, I am really happy with the sound, so I probably won't change. However, I will eventually probably get the itch.

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would agree with hifiman, the 12au7 series of tubes should last a very long time; not like power tubes where you'll get a few years out of them and they need to beĀ  replaced.

would also suggest not to rule out the industrial grade tubes such as the 6189, and 5814. The GE triple mica 5814 black plate is a fine sounding tube. Many of these carried the 5 star rating, for broadcast use. similar to RCA's Command line of tubes.