"Probably most manufactures that use fairly large toroid transformers, in their equipment, install a DC blocker. McIntosh does not."
That is what galls me the most. I own a lot of McIntosh equipment and am very happy, but it really galls me that they couldn't add a DC noise blocker inside their amps with the large to largest Toroidal transformers. IMHO, 5 customers a year is 5 too many customers. I have been thinking of trading in my MC152 amp purchasing a MC462 amp but this buzzing sound really has me take pause.
I feel McIntosh is doing a big disservice to their customers by not adding the DC blocker, or adding one to the OP unit to make the customer whole. The OP has a lot of money tied up in his amp to NOT use it because of the noise.
I have dealt with our local electric company in the past and it is like pulling teeth to get any kind of satisfaction. It took over 6 months for me to convince them that there was a power transformer across the street from my house and that the grid could easily support a 200 amp service for me. I had to take pictures from every angle and go to a meeting with them to show there was a transformer there. All they really had to do was go to my house and look across the street at the pole! The OP would be fighting a losing battle with his electric co. All they really car about is if you have power and is it safe, nothing more.
In conclusion to my rant, McIntosh should do something for this person at their cost.
That is what galls me the most. I own a lot of McIntosh equipment and am very happy, but it really galls me that they couldn't add a DC noise blocker inside their amps with the large to largest Toroidal transformers. IMHO, 5 customers a year is 5 too many customers. I have been thinking of trading in my MC152 amp purchasing a MC462 amp but this buzzing sound really has me take pause.
I feel McIntosh is doing a big disservice to their customers by not adding the DC blocker, or adding one to the OP unit to make the customer whole. The OP has a lot of money tied up in his amp to NOT use it because of the noise.
I have dealt with our local electric company in the past and it is like pulling teeth to get any kind of satisfaction. It took over 6 months for me to convince them that there was a power transformer across the street from my house and that the grid could easily support a 200 amp service for me. I had to take pictures from every angle and go to a meeting with them to show there was a transformer there. All they really had to do was go to my house and look across the street at the pole! The OP would be fighting a losing battle with his electric co. All they really car about is if you have power and is it safe, nothing more.
In conclusion to my rant, McIntosh should do something for this person at their cost.