What are the best speakers you have ever owned and why?

I just recently recieved my long awaited Shahinian Diapason 2’s from Vasken And they are absolutely spectacular! This got me thinking about my long journey to get here. Bless my wife for putting up with the many many many speakers that have passed through. The lifelong saga began with Magneoan MG 1’s back in college which were replaced by Dahlquist DQ 10’s. Then we traveled down a long road of speakers and systems. Magnepan Tympanis, Misson 770, Randall Rsch DQ10’s, Quad ESL single and stacked, Acoustat II, rogers LS3/5A’s, Linn Isobarik’s (2 pairs) B&W 801 Matrix, Hales Signature, Martin Logan Monolith2, Apogee Scintilla (1 ohm) Apogee Full Range, Theil SC 5A, Egglestonworks Andra, B&W Nautilius 801,Quad 63 and some I’m sure I forgot! Each speaker had its virtues and flaws but oh what a fun and a times frustrating trek! I think I have finally found my speaker to take me to retirement they do everything that I value wonderfully . They are detailed without sounding so, very dynamic, they have great low end reach, power and detail, are open sounding like a planner, their tonality and timbre seem spot on and they sound wonderful on any kind of music. Tell me about your journey!
My AR-90s are my favorite so far. I also have Infinity RS-1s but am unable to use them due to limited space. IF I had the room maybe they'd be number 1.
McIntosh XR-1051's - they could suck every Watt out of my MC2255 and sound smooth in the process.
2 of the best speakers I ever owned were KEF 103.2s then upgraded to KEF 105.2s, very good imaging and sound stage. I still have them packed away in a closet but pull them out once in a while.
My speaker history is fairly limited. Chronologically:
Triangle Celius
Magnepan 3.6RTotem ArroReference 3A de Capo (installed the beryllium tweeter)
Acoustic Zen AdagioASW Genius 100Reference 3A Veena
Spatial M3 Turbo S
I've owned the Spatials only for a few months and I have the feeling they might be lifers. But the best speaker was, hands-down, the Reference 3A de Capos. Those gems of monitors were succulent, crisp, warm, and engaging. I never identified anything lacking or anything I was unhappy with.
The title of the thread and the content are conflicting. Most are saying their history of speakers with no clear winner. Most are just naming their speaker history.