New Technics turntables

Is there any reason to purchase a 1200GR rather than a SL1500c if one has absolutely no interest in  DJ  and likes the auto lift function of the 1500? What are you giving up for the $400 savings the 1500 provides? 

So, the consensus is to buy the 1200 GR even though you don’t want or need DJ features?

The ONLY "dj feature" is pitch control fader, which is actually a very nice feature even for audiophiles. If you don’t want to change a pitch of music just press the button to bypass it. No harm for audiophile playback.

When a turntable designed for use in the club with high pressure of sound (very loud sound system, deep bass from huge subwoofers near the stage with turntables) is must be a good bonus, becase isolation of the plinth and platter to avoid bass feedback must be superior.  

Any other "DJ feature" is a myth. 

listened to both turntables with the stethoscope, said that both very silent engines very similar to each other, indistinguishable.

What I was trying to explain is that by moving his cartridges from the SP10II to 1200GR after more auditions he has not noticed substantial differences stating that neither of the two turntables is superior to the other .... then it can be argued that they are very questionable tests if the tonearms do not they are the same, or the cables are not the same, etcetera but this was his thought and I can not discuss his word.
Who wants the new product can easily do it, will have a good turntable equal to the SP 10II only much more modern and current.

I tried to explain that for SP 10II there are always spare parts, he knows that I restore the Technics (I own 6 in the my private collection and differents spare parts) and in case of problems on his turntable I could help him in case of problems but he did not want to listen to me... he wanted to change turntables without suffering low quality.

Sorry for my bad english ... I hope you understood my speech
What if you had a 1200 GR and a 1500C next to each other with identical phono cartridges, would one turntable better the other?
GR must be better than 1500c

The GR is more expensive without cart and phono stage which is included in the lower price semi-automatic 1500c


I'm really thinking of the 1500c as I get back into vinyl after many years. I like the idea of a built in phono plus, I can use external phono as well. I could upgrade the RED stylus to a blue. The phono has decent reviews. I would guess its a typical under $200 phono. I can get a really good deal on a 1210GR thu my dealer, however with a blue cartridge and cheap phono, I'm looking at $1800. Whereas I'm all in with the 1500c at $1200 (or $1400 with blue stylus). 

It's tempting to go with the 1210GR...