I have to go with richopp69. While I remember DQ-10s sounding clear years ago, nothing, not even $50,000 speakers come close to Magnepans. 0.7s are my favorites because they are simple two way speakers and I do not trust pure ribbon tweeters because they are too delicate. It does take a few weeks to position them right but they are easy to move and to experiment with pillows duck-taped to walls and floor to find out you probably do not need much if any acoustic treatment.
Box speakers and the braces to diminish the cabinets adding to the sound is what Jack Northrup called inventing a rubber glove to solve the problem of writing with a leaky fountain pen. I also am not crazy about the notch filters and the crazy gradients of impedance with respect to frequency of cone speakers.
Box speakers and the braces to diminish the cabinets adding to the sound is what Jack Northrup called inventing a rubber glove to solve the problem of writing with a leaky fountain pen. I also am not crazy about the notch filters and the crazy gradients of impedance with respect to frequency of cone speakers.