Which would you choose; Pass 250.8, arc 75SE or luxman m900u?

Current amp great soundstage but not exciting.
 you should check out the new krell xd amplifier's,  best amplifier's competing with twice the cost of what krell is retailing currently. 
IMO Luxmans are a "delicate" sounding amp.  Not bad, tons of detail, fantastic for female vocals, won't hurt you.  

Don't have much experience with ARC other than a few in-store demo's.  I find them to have more ooomph than a typical tube amp.

The Pass, Very good bass, excellent midrange a bit on the thicker, more musical side.  Has the top end, but not as airy as the Luxman, and doesn't have that last bit of sparkle.

For my money, Pass if those are your three choices.  Will hold it's resale best also, especially if you pick up a used or demo.

What speakers?  What music?
Dali Epicon 8
Pre Arc ref 10
Symphonic classical looking for deep soundstage and timbral beauty and space around solo and chamber instruments.
Roxy would need to know more about the system, we are Dali dealers with the Epicon 8 on display. The speakers tend to be on the warm side so you need to be careful in system matching or you will make the Epicon’s sound way too boring by losing too much top end detail.

Currently there is a T+A PA 3000 power amp for sale on this site. The T+A gear is in our opinion like the Luxman but an even better amplifier for the money:

T+A design advantages over Luxman: both are $19k list amplifers so price is a tie.

1: T+A exclusvie High Voltage design, runs internal rails at 360v with specially designed components to accheive more linear transistor function makes solid state take on tube like qualities

2: Twice the power 300 watts vs the Luxman’s 150

3: Upgradable by adding the T+A power supply which turbo charges the amplifier with an external 1,200kv transformer used to power the output stage with the internal 1,000kv transformer being used to power the input stage.

4: Internally devided into two separate sections with an aluminium shield input stage kept internally separate from the output stage.

5: Fantastic German buld quality

6: Cool ass meters!

7: Unbelievable sound quality, dimensional, detailed, smooth.

We do agree with Audiolabyrinth that the new Krell amplifiers are giant killers they are just not as refined as the T+A gear, however for the money are unbelievable sounding amplifiers.

To answer your question we would recommend in this order:

1: Luxman or T+A for better bass control and dynamics over the ARC
2: ARC very clean sounding not overly warm tubes
3: Pass too warm for the Dali unless your system is balanced correctly with cabling and sources.

Good luck.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ T+A, Krell, Dali dealers