Subwoofer placement

I have a home theater only setup in my living room and I was wonder about the placement of the subwoofer. Currently, it is in a left corner facing the sofa. On the right corner is entrance to the kitchen.

I think the sub is extra boomy where it currently lives. I thought about moving it to the other side where it was still be close to a wall but not in a corner. I've moved it and it sounded okay and lost the boominess but not sure if this is better or not. Should movies get the most bottom for the buck or should I treat them like audio and get a flat response as possible?

Do home theater setups require bass traps? Currently, I do have some auralex stuff around the room to keep from getting overly live sound from the movies, but that is it.
Put it where it sounds best to you.Set the controls where they sound good to you.You are there with the equipment,experiment a little.Enjoy the music.
This is how I placed my subs. I put it where I sit 1 at a time. I put on music I know and one that also has lots of bass. I then crawled on the floor until I found the location that the sub sounded the best for me and put my sub there. Disconnect your main speekers for this.
Switch positions, the placement will take some experimenting to get the most out of it.
Remember that a corner placement gives lower distortion.
That's what I would do also as Hevac1 has suggested.
Put the sub where you normally sit and crawl around the room.
I had one of my DDs in the corner and it was way too much bass for me,I now have both mine almost midway opposite of
each other along each opposite wall.Way better,musical,
tighter I have basically a blanket of bottomend that my music rides on,instead of the one note blahs.