Proper DAC Upgrade for my modest system.

Looking for some advice from people with lots more experience then me

My local dealer has recommended the RME ADI-2 DAC, or the New NAD 658. Buying a DAC is "hard". But was looking for some veterans thoughts. The NAD I could replace the Yamaha Streamer and get some money back.

Anyone have an opinion of the Wadia 122 DAC? I got one on clearance so decided to pull the trigger, its 100% better then the Parasound zDac Gen 1 I was running, but making sure for around the $1200 ( My budget ) price point I am making the right buy.

System is WXC Streamer --> Wadia 122 DAC -->AVR/Pre-Amp - B&K 125.7 Bi amped to KEF R11’s via Rocket 44’s.

I use Tidal for all content - I don’t do anything other then stream Tidal and some Apple Music if certain songs / albums are not on Tidal. Some day I might progress into "higher res" but the cost of files seems a low ROI vs Tidal at the moment.

Appreciate everyone’s insight on this topic.
Well I upgraded to the R11's, and now feel like the weak spot in the whole system is the DAC seeing its a 150~ dollar used Parasound dac. I don't have a dedicated listening room at the moment, maybe when I pull the trigger on a house in the next 12 months.

Not sure I would ever go over this price range of speakers, and I defiantly do not need more power. 
+1 on Freediver’s excellent post


- There is a nominal to minimal differentiation in DACs at your pricepoint. You are going to have to go progressively north of $2500 before you start on a better path to an appreciable step up in audio performance IF AND ONLY IF the rest of your system is up to the task.

- What Freediver was emphasing in a possible equipment stepup was about better speakers intuitively, and a step up in electronics upstream that has nothing to do with “power”. As with an intuitive audio performance improvement with better speakers, an upgrade to better build and stepped-up audio resolution electronics follow in lockstep, ignoring their respective bespoke sonic signatures that directly influence synergy (or lack thereof ) with your speakers.

A tsunami population of available quality build and still affordable integrated amps options, or like quality build preamp/ amp options, will slay any AVR in audio performance, short of the flagship $8000 ARCAM flagship model. The differences are not subtle.


don’t bank on any of your suggested DAC swap ins alone getting you on further down the Yellow Brick Road to Audio OZ.

Appreciate the feedback, I guess in short I was asking for a recommendation based on current system. 

I have AQ rocket 44’s Bi amped 
KEF r11’s 
b&k amp - from everything I have read would have to spend north of 2k to even come close to an “upgrade”

and a 150 dollar parasound dac ... that i felt was the weakest link... but what I am hearing is that it’s okay for my system... even though it’s probably 8 years old? 
Ok I looked at your system & speakers..With your budget sell the AVR PreAmp & put it with your $1200.00 & get yourself a Quad PA-One...I promise you a COMPLETE & TOTAL massive upgrade to current setup!
Addendum:I guess you need to keep the AVR Pre for BiAmping though?