Which would you choose; Pass 250.8, arc 75SE or luxman m900u?

Current amp great soundstage but not exciting.
Roxy... what's the budget?

Used OK?

By excitement?  More forward?  More impact?  More detail?

What is your source?
Roxy what do you mean by excitement?

What is your entire setup including accessories?

Are u using stock power cords, power conditioning, vibration isolation?

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

Thank you for asking who the "F" I am (saw your post before you edited that out, nice of you to stay classy, they would like you in San Diego)

 I’m a long time lurker who yes, just began posting recently. As for other details, I’m a 40+ year audio enthusiast like many on here. Happen to have a bit more time these days as my kids are out of the house. So, I’ve formulated many opinions over the years on audio, I don’t think they are better or worse than anyone else.

That said, it’s pretty clear not only in this thread, but many others (that I have seen over the years) that many, but not all here are a bit tired of Troy’s self promotion and how he goes about it.

Glad he helped you out. I hope your system brings you joy.

That said, I am interested to hear how power cords, isolation products and more accessories will bring Roxy’s system more excitement.
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