Which would you choose; Pass 250.8, arc 75SE or luxman m900u?

Current amp great soundstage but not exciting.
@roxy1927   For clarification: You have the Dali E 8 for speakers and the ARC R10 as a pre (?). What is your current amp?
Hegel H30 Nice deep soundstage but as others have said looking for something more exiting. Interesting too that I read in a magazine review certain instruments have less impact on this amp than they would on another amp. I found this to be true!

I would be interested in other suggestions as trudat said to excite my Dalis a bit more which I like a lot and a speaker changer would be too costly and overwhelming at this point.
Roxy... what's the budget?

Used OK?

By excitement?  More forward?  More impact?  More detail?

What is your source?
Roxy what do you mean by excitement?

What is your entire setup including accessories?

Are u using stock power cords, power conditioning, vibration isolation?

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ