Herman. I have one last thing to mention with regards to parallel amps in an effort to reconcile why we keep misunderstanding what each other is saying.....
If you take a look at BATs website and look at the following products: VK-255SE and VK-600. Scroll down to the bottom of each page and look at the specs. You will see that both amplifiers have 26dB of gain. Yet one is rated at 150W into 8ohms and the other is 300W into 8ohms.
The practical difference between these two amps is that the VK-600 is basically a chasis with two of the smaller amps fit inside. There are other differences but practically speaking, this is the crux of it. The 600 basically has double the output devices in parallel that the 255 has. Indeed, they previously offered a VK-250M which was basically the same as a VK-600 in two seperate boxes. Now, they go a step further. Just like the VK-75 and the VK-150, if you take the VK-600 and parallel its inputs/outputs you get an amp with the same gain but twice the current capability again.
Bottom line. I totally agree that paralleling identical amps does NOT change the gain (dBW) one bit. But clearly, BAT is a good example of how it does double the output power.
Perhaps we've been arguing over two very different things here. Whatever the case, if you still strongly disagree with what BATs website clearly states then, well, I have to admit I am curious to know why but this is probably not the best place to hash that out.
If you take a look at BATs website and look at the following products: VK-255SE and VK-600. Scroll down to the bottom of each page and look at the specs. You will see that both amplifiers have 26dB of gain. Yet one is rated at 150W into 8ohms and the other is 300W into 8ohms.
The practical difference between these two amps is that the VK-600 is basically a chasis with two of the smaller amps fit inside. There are other differences but practically speaking, this is the crux of it. The 600 basically has double the output devices in parallel that the 255 has. Indeed, they previously offered a VK-250M which was basically the same as a VK-600 in two seperate boxes. Now, they go a step further. Just like the VK-75 and the VK-150, if you take the VK-600 and parallel its inputs/outputs you get an amp with the same gain but twice the current capability again.
Bottom line. I totally agree that paralleling identical amps does NOT change the gain (dBW) one bit. But clearly, BAT is a good example of how it does double the output power.
Perhaps we've been arguing over two very different things here. Whatever the case, if you still strongly disagree with what BATs website clearly states then, well, I have to admit I am curious to know why but this is probably not the best place to hash that out.