For my sake, I am hoping that your Bryston experience is an outlier. I use Ethernet so hopefully that will help.
So Puppy, you say you purchased a Node 2i, but then you ask how long it will take to rip a CD to the Vault. I am confused as to what your Bluesound setup is, please clarify.
i had ripped about 900CDs to my Vault in FLAC, and used 0.7 TB in the process. Realizing that my several thousand CD collection wasn’t going to be contained on the Vault, I then had a NAS put in and transferred the Vault files to the NAS. The storage limit on the Vault is 2TB and the NAS I chose is 10 TB. The other advantage of having the collection on the NAS is that I can control it from Bluesound, from my Oppo, from my new Bryston, from my PC.....you aren’t limited to the foibles of one manufacturer..
Ripped CDs will show up in the Vault almost immediately. A rip takes from 2 to 10 minutes.