Need DAC/Streaming Advice

I currently own a Bryston BDP-2 digital player that I run through a Bryston DAC.  As far as playing high resolution files via a thumb drive or other external drive, the BDP-2 sounds great.  The streaming part leaves a lot to be desired.  I can stream Tidal but it is extremely slow and the IPad controller is pretty lousy.  I can listen to Sonos through the DAC into my main system but obviously there is no hi-Rez via Sonos. I would like to find a better solution and am willing to start over (I can move the Bryston components to my secondary system).  What I would like to find is a higher end streamer for my main system that would allow me to stream Tidal, Spotify and Deezer if possible while also playing digital files via thumb drive etc. I have no idea if that can be done in a one box solution or if I would need a separate streamer and DAC.  I would very much appreciate any and all thoughts.  Thanks in advance.
Ag insider logo xs@2xpuppyt
 "I have about 6000 CD’s and won’t live long enough to get them all ripped"

Depending on what you have in your CD collection, you may find most of them already available in the Tidal catalog and can readily stream. 

For my sake, I am hoping that your Bryston experience is an outlier.  I use Ethernet so hopefully that will help.
So Puppy, you say you purchased a Node 2i, but then you ask how long it will take to rip a CD to the Vault.  I am confused as to what your Bluesound setup is, please clarify.
i had ripped about 900CDs to my Vault in FLAC, and used 0.7 TB in the process.  Realizing that my several thousand CD collection wasn’t going to be contained on the Vault, I then had a NAS put in and transferred the Vault files to the NAS.  The storage limit on the Vault is 2TB and the NAS I chose is 10 TB.  The other advantage of having the collection on the NAS is that I can control it from Bluesound, from my Oppo, from my new Bryston, from my aren’t limited to the foibles of one manufacturer..
  Ripped CDs will show up in the Vault almost immediately.  A rip takes from 2 to 10 minutes.
Puppy, my recommendation would be that if you have purchased just a Node 2i and are thinking about purchasing a Vault or Vault2i is don’t purchase the Vault but save that money for a NAS.  You can plug the NAS directly into the Bryston (I’m wondering if it’s the WiFi dongle on the BDP2 that might be your issue) and the Node2i can access the NAS via WiFi).  I would then hire a high school or college student to burn your CDs into the NAS
Really not sure how or why certain members are having or have had issues with Bluesound?
I was happy owner of a vault 2 for 2 years with not one minute of downtime due to any issues.
For the price I still consider it to be one of the best bangs for the buck out there when you stop and consider all it can do.

Steam, Tidal, Deezer, Quboz in hirez format.
Rip your entire CD collection and catalog it all.
Read an external USB drive to play back music.
Read and access music stored on your nas on same network.
Stream from a Bluetooth device to it.
Control it all from your Android phone ( imho the Apple control is inferior to droid)

All for $1000?
Just buy it!
I don’t have CD’s to deal with and was looking to get a DAC into my system and stumbled on to this NAD C 658 BluOS Streaming DAC. Pretty much does it all except ripping and has this Dirac live room correction that will help with a space that hasn’t been treated properly. The Node2i is for sale, it will be here Friday if the delivery guy doesn’t freeze to death!