You could consider trying a SET from one of the retailers who offer it with a generous return policy. If it is inadequate, return it. Usually you are risking $75 in shipping charges.
I doubt a 300B SET will deliver enough power but an 845, 211, or maybe an EL34 will give you enough power.
As a fall back, he MC275 is a nice amp. 5w less in power will have no impact on your headroom with those speakers. The Zu Omens are really easy to drive. The issue is, if you don’t like it you are usually risking a 20% restocking fee. At least that is what the retailers I have asked will charge me.
I doubt a 300B SET will deliver enough power but an 845, 211, or maybe an EL34 will give you enough power.
As a fall back, he MC275 is a nice amp. 5w less in power will have no impact on your headroom with those speakers. The Zu Omens are really easy to drive. The issue is, if you don’t like it you are usually risking a 20% restocking fee. At least that is what the retailers I have asked will charge me.