I love my Hifi

Anyone ponder over how it’s a great shame that our kids will probably never enjoy the quality of music we’re loving?
When I go away travelling for business or on holiday, I can’t wait to get home to listen to my music again.
It’s such a meaningful thing in my life. I feel sorry for people who don’t have that.
I’m listening to Transformer (Lou Reed) right now. On the original vinyl pressing. It’s 47 years old - a tad younger than me. It’s making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end - giving me such a buzz.
I couldn’t imagine life without my Hifi, but most of the younger generation will never know this! 
How sad is that?
It’s about the music - of course. But it’s also about how that music sounds. I can listen to electronic music and rap and e.g. Sleaford Mods through an audiophile system at home and it sounds so much better than through my iPhone on my morning commute.  It’s a world of difference and I just wish my kids could appreciate that...
but everything is relative to the best you know, I suppose...
Good post vinyloid. I do feel sad sometimes for friends and siblings who have never owned or heard a reasonably good system. I think that they are missing so much of the scale and nuance of the music they love, and that it would really matter to them if they knew what it was like. 
Sad if their hair stands up with an IPhone, what would it do with a real good system. I can enjoy music in my car or other less audiophile based systems but it's still not the same as sitting listening to a real great system.
Sad? Why would you feel sad? If they didnt like music at all that might be sad. Face it guys hi-fi isn’t for everybody. I am willing to bet that any of us born into the millennial generation would be very happy with our IPhones and earbuds. I would have killed to have access to this much music and the ability to take it anywhere I wanted. Many say cd’s brought Album, sales down but from what I have read it was actually the cassette tape. Convenience and portability.

Case in point, my daughter never gave a rip about my system when she was really young but then she got her first apartment and I gave her a modest little system I scrapped together from spare components. Nad c370 a Bluesound Node, Mogami Speaker wires and IC’s a pair of ADS speakers and some Pangea Stands.

She really loves that system and her friends come over and are amazed. But what they really like is that they can all hook their phones up and stream to her stereo via Bluetooth from the node.

They have an absolute blast listening to music on her stereo. Now they are all asking me for advice on a starter system and my daughter has expressed interest in visiting the hifi shops in Minneapolis to look into better components/speakers. She also wants a turntable so I am getting her a Rega p3 next.