CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl

No comparison, CD always sounds so cold and gritty. Vinyl is so much warmer, smoother and has better imaging and much greater depth of sound. It’s like watching the world go by through a dirty window pane when listening to a CD. Put the same LP on the turntable and Voila! Everything takes on more vibrancy, fullness and texture. 
fleschler712 posts02-01-2019 3:44amGeoffkait Okay, I misunderstood as I thought both sides of the square had double stick tape. It has a smooth, unsticky side which the CD rests on. Good. Also, I misspoke as to the Walker Talisman. Of course it is the magnetism problem that it alleviates as it has nothing to do with static of CD plaster or LP vinyl. I think I will try your invention. It may work. I know that eliminating stray laser light can enhance tracking ability. I’ve noticed the positive change occasionally when I use a cd edge trimmer and black sharpie (I said occasionally as I find that it is too infrequent and I really don’t want to put stress on the CD during the cutting operation).

>>>>looks like you dodged a bullet. As fate would have it, you’re better off not using the disc trimmer Black Sharpie, since black around the CD edge actually hurts the sound ouch! it’s the wrong color, perhaps counter-intuitively. The correct color - at least for the red portion of the scattered light - is turquoise, cyan technically. As for the remaining 75% of the scattered light, the invisible portion, well, I guess you have to use my NDM since it’s the only audiophile product that can eliminate invisible light. Fortunately, NDM also eliminates the red portion as well.
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This digital versus analog issue is one best compared to believers in a particular religion. The most prevalent religions are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Music can be analog, digital, or a live performance. Take your pick but be advised that there are very few who renounce their religion in favor of another religion. That pretty  much covers it.
a major problem with cd playback is the fact that the laser light scatters inside the player.. Way back in the late 20th century we bought lenses that fit over the laser to focus the light, but it still bounced around inside. They worked, but...

Fast Forward to the 21st Century: Geoff Kait (Machina Dynamica) new version of laser correction is light years above all previous efforts. As I understand it, NEW Dark Matter absorbs the light bouncing inside the player. Much better than lenses, it is applied directly to the cd tray.

I found installation a bit tricky, however, upon startup, the music is so much more organic. Whereas digital can be light on its musical feet I had to turn my subs way down as there is body and weight in spades, especially down low

Presentation: It’s like the music is anchored in bedrock, with vinyl qualities few cd players can match

The recesses of the sound stage are much easier to hear into, whether it’s backup vocalists, Hammond organ, or large orchestra or chorus. Instruments like piano, upright bass, violin.... sound so much more real and in the room

I recently replaced a toslink cable with a prototype coax (price to be determined, but many times more than New Dark Matter) and my jaw dropped at the level of improvement, meaning other things like cables, and lack of quality isolation (see Machina Dynamica Springs) can screw up digital playback

In my system I would expect to need to get beefy multi-thousand dollar monoblocks to get the benefit I am hearing from NDM

Vysotsky's ballads are timeless and are going to be sung and listened to in 500 years and later.  

Ok, so you're not kidding. I can understand it as cultural phenomenon from the past, but not as the music. I can't even stand his voice. Happily my musical background is way different. The only thing i like from the Soviet past is some Soviet Jazz which was like a wind of freedom in the '60s. In my opinion the music should make us happy at least when we're listening to it, it's about the harmony, i want to forget all the troubles in the world when i am listening to music. I want to hear well trained musicians and singers, syncopated rhythms and harmony.    

It is impossible to find anything from my records on tape, so i don't even talk about tapes here. I've heard a potentian of tapes in professional studios played on huge Studer multitrack. 

Vinyl is the best for me, tapes are impossible to find, cd sucks, streaming is for education only (i do not collect files, i collect rvinyl ecords).