Best multi-purpose subwoofer

Best multi-purpose subwoofer - meaning it fulfills my pursuit for audiophile 2 channel listening and my home theater needs. I have a large TV room 22x22x8 (LxDxH) with floor standing Von Schweikerts VR4 speakers. Room is used both for dedicated 2 channel listening as well as home theater. Unfortunately the design of the room is not the best as it has glass on one side (leading to the backyard) and laundry room behind (meaning its also the family room). Currently I have a 8 inch NHT SW1 old subwoofer which needs an upgrade. The maximum dimensions I can afford on a subwoofer is  15x18x20 (LxDxH). 
As mentioned I want to be able to connect a High Level Input (for 2 channel) and .LFE for HT - so the subwoofer will need to have both. Grace for dedicated listening as well as power for HT. The only time I would consider a larger subwoofer is if it has wireless capabilities so I can place it anywhere in the room. 
Any suggestions on which subwoofer may work best for me? 

     Are you ruling out a Swarm type bass system?

     If it's too expensive for you, I understand.  Prior to the Swarm, I tried multiple brands and models of single and dual sub configurations and positions in my room ( Velodyne, REL, JL, Hsu, Klipsch, Polk, B&W, Theile and a few others) and none performed as well as the Swarm.
     My main speakers and center ch are Magnepans, which are notoriously difficult to integrate subs with.   The Swarm system was the only system I tried that blended seamlessly with the Magnepans for music and still delivered the bass impact I wanted for ht.  It truly is a state of the art bass system. 
     I'm unaware of any single or dual sub setup using conventional subs, at any size or price, that can match the performance of the 4 moderately sized Swarm subs properly positioned.   I do believe, though, that utilizing 4 of almost any top line conventional subs properly positioned in a distributed bass array system would likely outperform the Swarm subs.  I've never personally tried this but I know it would cost about 4x or more than the $3K price of the Swarm and probably only deliver marginal bass response improvements.
     The 4 sub distributed bass array system is the result of years of research on in-room bass response conducted mainly by 2 PHDs in acoustical engineering, Dr. Earl Geddes and Dr. Floyd OToole.  Google their names if you'd like to learn more about their experiments, conclusions and White Papers.
     My intention is to share my many years of experience and knowledge trying to achieve the same bass response it seems you're now searching for.  I have no financial or other interests with Audio Kinesis/Swarm other than purchasing their bass system and knowing how well it works in my system.
      My opinion is that the single 15 x18 x20 sub that you are looking and hoping for does not exist.  Sorry, but it's as simple as that.  
     The $3K Swarm system is the least expensive solution I'm aware of that will provide you with the bass performance you described.

The storm is just 4 10 inch passive subs running off one 1000 watt amp.  
 Its pretty commonly known that 4 subs is an ideal setup for home theater,   I would get 4 subs and dsp and could be under the price of storm all day long.   And have dsp....
Never really heard of the Swarm. The website seems weak without much info and it’s not been mentioned or written up elsewhere besides AS. Also the set up for 4 not being wireless means running wires all across which is definitely a no. 
I’ve narrowed down my choices to REL, Rythmik, SVS for the smaller dimensions. What is hate the most and it’s true the larger the woofer and better the room is pressureized. I am locally getting a 15 inch earthquake supernova - a very tempting offer.