Does any one know a cable that is able to compete with clear day double shotgun?

I have a pair of clear day double shotgun and curious to know how its level is in the current market. If you have tried clear day’s double shotgun and some other speaker cables, please share your experience. Thank you in advance.
Have double shotgun’s and agree a great cable along with Paul’s IC’s both single and balanced. I’m not using my Clear Days currently, but will keep them as maybe I’ll build a second system or something. At the moment I am using Wywires Silvers throughout including PC’s. In comparison on my system I feel the Wywires just get out of the way better with a wider stage. For the money I’ve not heard anything that embarrasses Clear Days so expect to spend a lot to hear small improvements. As always cables are system dependent and are tone controls to some extent so everyone’s going to have their opinion on what the prefer.

Thank you for your experience sharing. The reason I ask the question is not that I want to replace it but I was absolutely amazed by it. It works so well on my system and I tried put it to my father’s system. He loves it so much and I couldn’t take it back. It is hard to find a used clear day and I just want to get one in similar level as quick as possible and I can get rid of my old cable. I guess every audiophiles know that feeling.
Double shot ClearDays work in my system as well.   ..just a cautionary note....all can cables sound different on different systems. 

Pauls jumpers are great too. If your speakers are bi-wire and only using the straps that came with the speakers, you really need to get your hands on Paul’s jumpers. Clear Day IC’s are worth finding too.

Haven’t heard anything on Paul lately but praying he’s doing well. If anyone has an update please post. Thanks


Your advice is again appreciated! My 1.3 se has no bi-wire available and I am definitely looking for clear day’s IC.

I have reached to Paul a month ago. He is a great gentleman and gave me advices even though he is no longer in business.