PATS 31-RAMS 20!
Rooting for the Patriots is like hoping the casino wins all the money.

It’s easy to hate the Patriots for many but I’m originally from Massachusetts and a long time Pats fan who remembers the frustrating history (decades actually). The Belichick/Brady dynasty won’t last for much longer but it’s been a great ride for us fans.

Certainly not the most exciting SB but I love what #11 MVP said post game: "It wasn’t pretty, but I’ll take an ugly win over a pretty loss any day."

BTW, the half-time show was more ugly than the game!
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It was a frustrating snoozer of a game, all defense on both sides with the Patriots eventually wearing down the Rams. Nothing like attrition being one of the deciding factors.

As for the half time, all I can ask is why do they still do it the way they do? Talk about being out of touch.

All the best,
Being a Packer's fan for 55+ years I know how special it is to "Win it all."I've been on the up, down, up, down,  roller coaster ride with my team over those years. The hard part is the spiral downward in which you become, or become again, the NFL's doormat.

Enjoy it while you can Pat's fans. Nothing lasts forever....no disrespect.
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