Is shielding necessary on interconnects & speaker cables

I have a tube cd player and a intergrated tube amp. I am getting ready to buy speaker cables and interconnects. Do I need to buy shielded or unshielded cables. What are the pros and cons of each type.  Is there sonically any differences. I am leaning towards unshielded. Thanks
its best to not use shielding...closes in the sound.  If you need it, you need it.
Your best bet with anything like this is to leave that choice to the professionals. In other words do not look for shielded or unshielded. Don't give it a moments consideration. Look only for what sounds good.

Other than phono cables where the signal is in millivolts so must be shielded its unlikely you'll find a shielded interconnect you prefer. But if you do, buy it. Buy the sound not the theory. Every. Single. Time.
@petware when you know you have a lot of induced noise. :)

Like if you are picking up a radio station, or motors or fluorescent lights.
Thanks Erik, 
i was just curious if certain components like dacs  or streamers or turntables warranted shielding or not as a rule or if it's just on a case by case situation.