Recommendations on stuff to look at for upgrading a 300B SET amp

I built an Elekit 300B SET amp with tons of upgrades (e.g. Mudorf caps, Takman resistors, Lundhaul power supplies and output transformers, etc.).  I love the amp but I wanted to increase power from 8w a side to 16-25 while staying in the SET camp.  I'm just starting the process of brainstorming. I was thinking of 300B monoblocks,
845 tube integrated or similar.  I want to stay under $5k and would need to sell some stuff--I have a wonderful Primaluna HP integrated with a good chunk of tubes to sell if I did this. I love that amp too but I don't need the power with horn loudspeakers and found the 300B a better match.  

Here are some off the head thoughts:
Manley 300B monoblocks (have to be used to make budget)
Line Magnetic 
Bottlehead 300B monoblock kit

I can do an integrated (but if it's an integrated I prefer a remote) or standalone amps and run them with a Schitt Freya I have for now.  Any advice will be appreciated in my research!  

Love to hear what that 805 sounds like. There used be a guy building amps with SMPS and GM70 tubes with thoriated tungsten/mercury rectifiers. Sounded awesome even on YouTube.
As a point of information, while I’m not totally certain I believe the LM-805ia is the same amp as the LM-508ia that Shkong78 suggested earlier, and that is owned by at least one other highly respected member here, namely Waltersalas. Perhaps the designation that is used depends on the country the amp is supplied to, or the AC voltage it is set up to operate with.

Best of luck, JB. Regards,
-- Al
Most of the 300B amps I've heard are low power vs. push pull, but still intended to mate with dynamic speakers, not horns. VAC Renaissance 30/30 is a particularly nice one. I've owned 845 amps from Dehavilland and listened to plenty of 211s, GM70s and similar. Most of those capture very similar magic to 300Bs, but their main advantage is the ability to drive more dynamic speakers that need the extra power, clearly not an issue here. Those SETs are great matches with 90-95db dynamic speakers but not so sure about with your horns. 
Not my area of experience, but have you listened to 2A3 or similar flea powered amps? Those are often paired with horns at 99db & up. Cheers,
Art Audio Jota?  I've just started using mine with a pair of 96db horn speakers and the experience so far is extremely good. I've been using the Jota for about 4 yrs now with upgraded tubes and I think it's marvelous. other things have come and gone but the Jota is a rock. If you can find one used they should cost around 4k, depending on tube set, condition, etc. The High Current version of the Jota puts out 24w per channel according to specs. Loudness has never been a problem, though that depends of course on the gain you have upstream of the amp. I've used the Jota mainly with Devore Silverbacks until recently, when I moved and switched to horns to accommodate a small(ish) listening room.  I might try another amp with the new speakers but mainly out of curiosity, not need. 

btw what are your speakers?