Why not horns?

I've owned a lot of speakers over the years but I have never experienced anything like the midrange reproduction from my horns. With a frequency response of 300 Hz. up to 14 Khz. from a single distortionless driver, it seems like a no-brainer that everyone would want this performance. Why don't you use horns?
Macrojack....Mr Decibel here. On a review here on Audiogon of the Ohm Walsh 2000 speakers, the reviewer states " Horns, in particular, along with drum kits and guitars(both electric and acoustic)have an uncanny natural quality that comes extremely close to sounding like real instruments playing in real space. This reviewer had the Ohm 2000s for a 120 day trial. It was a rave review. He also speaks of PRAT(pace,rhythm,attack and timing)being fine. He kept the Ohm Walsh 2000s. You started this thread asking "Why not horns?". I good friend of mine who exchanges home visits(listening sessions) with me has top of the line B&W s. We enjoy each others systems, but ultimately he prefers his and I prefer mine. Interesting though, he needs to readjust his listening back at his place, because he speaks about the sessions at my place each and every time. He still stays with the B&W. I do not try to sway him in any way to make a change, nor will he change me. I have been on so many forums over my years, and the forums I enjoy most are those of acceptance and sharing of thoughts,information and experiences. Some here do show that. However, people are entitled to their opinion, which is fine. I have kept away from this for a while now, but realistically, it is the bashing, the insulting, that takes away my enjoyment. I have been around the audio block for a long time. I consider myself and audiophile(hobbyist who seeks high quality audio reproduction through means of high quality electronics). This includes the entire reproduction chain, critically the speaker/room interaction. I also consider myself a music listener. It is to this end that I am an audiophile. I can listen on my pool deck, my boom box, my car system and elsewhere and tap my feet to music that is playing. My main system , however, takes me to a "representation" of the event, as " I " want it to be. I have helped many many people over the years put systems together, some have acquired horns, others (as my friend with the B&Ws)not. Some with tubes, some with ss. Some with analog/digital, etc. I easily accept that not everyone is in my camp, nor do I expect them to be. I believe you are quite happy with your system. While this is the case, just listen and enjoy. I do......Thank you.....Mr DB.
My observation with Walsh drivers like those in the OHMs is that they excel most on a good system with recordings that have a lot of mid-range energy. The large surface area of the Walsh driver available for conveying midrange compared to most other drivers is the reason I believe.

Big band and large brass ensembles is where this is most evident. I find many Duke Ellington recordings to be absolutely mesmerizing, for example. The power dynamics and brashness of the orchestra just come through in full bloom within a huge soundstage where everything is laid out perfectly for digestion with relatively little or no fatigue even at high volumes. No easy trick, even for horns!
Finally making sense gawdbless :)

looks like the Germans will take it all the way, such was their domination over Argentina. At times it appeared they had 22 on the field, such was their coverage.

BTW, still no horns for me.

I did not bid on the nearby Heresy's this past weekend mainly because my Triangle monitors are working out quite nicely in the sunroom at present so I was not motivated to pull the trigger to try something different.