Why not horns?

I've owned a lot of speakers over the years but I have never experienced anything like the midrange reproduction from my horns. With a frequency response of 300 Hz. up to 14 Khz. from a single distortionless driver, it seems like a no-brainer that everyone would want this performance. Why don't you use horns?
Duke - It appears from photos of the K-2 that Usher made a copy of it at one point. Is the Usher as good? Or better?
Macrojack, I will correct one of your posts regarding my past visitations of the OMA site.

I will only say that my "time" visiting with OMA was very short, very educational, and very eye-opening.

To say that I would not let my dog lift his leg on the side of the OMA barn would be a gross understatement.

Hope this makes my position clear. Nothing against Acoustic Horns.
The following article was sent to me by an experienced and dedicated horn enthusiast. I thought it might help to clear up some of the misunderstanding concerning horns and their potential, especially since it comes from a very credible source.
