In University, U of T, I spent a lot of time a Bay/Bloor Radio. A good Hi End Audiophile store. They had a large bias against Klipsch, Altec, JBL, They would say Junky But Loud. I had a Cheap Trills Concert Pass and saw all of the big Acts of the 70's and early 80's. When you go to a live concert what are you listening to? A large PA system. You want to produce a live like sound at home, bingo, Klipshorns and all the horns sound great, live, dynamic. If you like Jazz? a Horn sounds like a horn coming out of the horn. What is the human voice, a small Horn. People who are posting negative comments, want to listen to a Stereo sound, Khorns sound very live. The imaging is great, but the sweet spot for optimal listeningn is small. When I give a demo, I give people my media chair that I have dialed in. My present set up is the smallest room they have ever been in, and I am always anxious to get to my sweet spot. I installed a second Horn Tweeter to my Sweet spot, from both cabinets. Do your homework, go listen to systems. If you want one of the best live music experiences give the khorns a earful.