How do Klipschorns compare with modern designs?

I'm curious to hear from those who have seriously a/b'd Klipschorns with comparably priced modern designs. I am most interested in comments regarding soundstaging and transparency.

the k-horns are probably the finest speakers ever built,modern or otherwise. If you dont like the way they sound,look at the associated upstream components as they are revealing to mis-matches in electronics. Conventional drivers and cabinets can never even come close to doing what a good horn setup can do.Sure,there are some great designs out there[Frieds and Bozaks come to mind]but they are all just pretentious posers compared to horns.
If anyone really doesn't like their k-horns,please ship them to my house pronto and I promise I will use them every day!
The Heritage line of Klipsch speakers, I have had Khorns for 37 years, have a classic big sound with very little amp requirements. I have run them off the output of a iphone headphone jack and sound quite good. Try that with a pair of BW 800 series. Just having this discussion with a bud who has a $30,000 BW system three subs, DB1’s and 800 D3, Bryston power. He sounds better than my Khorns and I have with a $1,000 integrated amp. Do the cost analysis. I still sound live, his sounds like a really great stereo!!! I paid $2,100 for my Khorns 1981. Upgraded power many times since then. Soundstage, and imaging are very room and placement dependent. Larger the room the better. The sweet spot is small but worthy.
Got a  pair of Heresy IIIs a little over a year ago and I can say with certainty they display none of the characteristics mentioned by sean...luckily! Whew...
In University, U of T,  I spent a lot of time a Bay/Bloor Radio. A good Hi End Audiophile store. They had a large bias against Klipsch, Altec, JBL, They would  say Junky But Loud. I had a Cheap Trills Concert Pass and saw all of the big Acts of the 70's and early 80's.  When you go to a live concert what are you listening to? A large PA system. You want to produce a live like sound at home, bingo, Klipshorns and all the horns sound great, live, dynamic. If you like Jazz? a Horn sounds like a horn coming out of the horn. What is the human voice, a small Horn. People who are posting negative comments, want to listen to a Stereo sound,  Khorns sound very live. The imaging is great, but the sweet spot for optimal listeningn is small. When I give a demo, I give people my media chair that I have dialed in.  My present set up is the smallest room they have ever been in, and I am always anxious to get to my sweet spot.  I installed a second Horn Tweeter to my  Sweet spot, from both cabinets.  Do your homework, go listen to systems. If you want one of the best live music experiences give the khorns a earful. 
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