I’m gob smacked. What were you’re aha moments?

Had a productive couple of weeks on the used gear market and today has been digital demo day (Analog arrives next week). Added a Bryston BCD-3 and original Tara Labs Prime I/C’s to my system at very good prices. 

I don’t have “golden ears” by any stretch but I’m gob smacked at the results.

The BCD-3 is replacing an Oppo UDP-205 w/ DHL BL-1 I/C’s. Rest of gear is an Anthem STR integrated and ML Monti’s. My bass has easily doubled, maybe tripled. I can feel the pressurization in my room and it’s tight not bloated. 

I think this has been the biggest jump up in SQ I’ve experienced. What were your biggest surprises/improvements regardless of budget?

That day in 1985 when I dragged home an ARC SP10 II pre-amp. My first tube product. WOW! I kept it for about 25 years.
That’s great that it was tubes for both of you. I’m still plotting/planning my way there. Hopefully another aha moment to look forward to 😎

biggest surprises/improvements regardless of budget?

Many contenders!

1. Black Diamond Racing Cones. Still the best. Thank you, DJ. RIP.

2. Hexfred diodes

3. Synergistic Research- pretty much everything. First shock was replacing $2k AudioQuest Dragon speaker cable with I forget what SR but the shocker was they were only about $300!

3. SR Active Shielding. Jaw-dropping demo.

4. Cryo. Found a local cryo tank, tested a few things, and when I heard how good it worked pulled everything from the panel to the speakers- yes everything, house wiring, entire CD player, EVERYTHING and had it all cryo'd. (Not ripoff audiophile pricing either. Cryo One. Total bargain.)

5. Anti-static and Demagnetizing. First was the demagnetizing tracks on the XLO Test CD. Then the Radio Shack bulk tape eraser on CD's. Then on records, cables. Then Cable Elevators lifting cables up off the floor. Then plain old laundry anti-static spray. Do it all some night. You will be gobsmacked too!

6. RFI. Thought this was BS. Then one day discovered its not. Flip off all the other breakers late at night some time and have a listen.

7. PHT, ECT, HFT. Absolutely gobsmacked! 

8. White Hot Stamper. Records do not all sound the same. A precious few are so close to perfect you simply cannot believe it. Until you hear it. 

@millercarbon. You’re a tweaker. That’s so not me. Not my skill set. I’m more a set it and forget guy. But gonna look into your anti-static advice. Static electricity is brutal where I live. 

The first time I visited a high end audio store and heard what music reproduction was capable of as opposed to my dad's cheapo system at home,lol!I don't recall the brands on display.
The first time I listened to a Conrad Johnson tube amp transform the music when swapped in for a ss amp.